Sunday 3 April 2016


Hey Guys!

Today I'll be giving you a few tips on how to improve your drawings (if you are a beginner).
I'm just going to bullet point a few tips and explain why.

  • Hold your pencils like it's a brush
- Hold it lightly, don't press to hard, it makes your picture look nicer. Also it helps when sketching because it makes it easier to rub it out.  

  • Draw your line in the air before you actually draw it
- Mime drawing the line you want to draw before you draw it (helps to create a smoother line).

  • Using the right equipment
- You don't have to go all out and buy really expensive equipment, but don't just buy the cheapest of the cheap. 
  • Find what's right for you

  • Practice, Practice, Practice 
 - I know, I know we all hate listening to this, but it's true.

Hope you all find these tips useful!


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