Sunday 15 November 2015

"Let's Get Ready To Ready To JUNGLE!!!!!!!!!"

Hey Guys,
Sorry about not uploading anything on Halloween I was just so busy these last few weeks but anyway this evening (as some of you may know) "I'm a celebrity" starts and also (as some of you may know) My cousin Union J's George Shelley is going to be one of the contestants this years so I thought I'd draw a picture of him to put up. I drew this using a Wacom Intous Creative Pen Tablet and Autodesk Sketch Book Express (I'll be doing a review on these soon!)
                                                                Original <3

My Drawing<3               

Well that's it for today guys hope you like it and hopefully I will be uploading the 2nd part of the mermaid series in the next few days, let me know what you think.


Thursday 29 October 2015

"Happy & Cute"

Hey Guys

So today to celebrate Halloween I am going to be doing a two-part mermaid series. A while ago Mark Crilley did two different mermaid videos - "Happy & Cute" and "Dark & Gloomy".  As it isn't quite Halloween I'm going to start with the "Happy & Cute". I'll also leave a link to the "Happy & Cute" video below: 

Coloring Tips: "Happy & Cute" Mermaid Illustration I'll be uploading the "Dark & Gloomy" pic on Halloween in a couple of days (once I've actually drawn it LOL). Anyway I hope you guys like this pic and be sure to check out Mark's video and why not give it ago yourself.

P.S I'll also be doing some other spooky stuff over the next few days as well. So check back here over the weekend!!!

Tuesday 20 October 2015

"Bring It On!"

Hey Guys

Today I have drawn some fighting scenes from Mark Crilley's the Mastering Manga series.
The first drawing is from the second Mastering Manga book and is a classic fist fight scene.  My Mum suggested that I scan and copy the original drawing so I could keep the original and colour the other one in.  So here they are.

                                         The original one <3

The coloured one <3

The second fighting scene is from the first Mastering Manga so I'm switching it up a bit.  Anyway I think it's a sort of Karate, but I'm not to sure.  I've done the same here as I did with the last pic so there is one coloured and one not.

                                           The original one <3 (again)

   The coloured one <3 (again as well)

Well, there you go.  Not some of my best work, but I'm going away tomorrow so I had to do this quickly.  Anyway I hope you like them please leave some feedback if you do.   

Luv Amethyst <3xx 

Tuesday 4 August 2015


Hey guys

Today I have some pretty colourful pics for you, DRUM-ROLL PLEASE, Polly and Roxy the macaw parrots. See I don't only do Manga ;-)

So the other day my mum was doing some spring (or summer) cleaning when she came across some an old seventy-two piece watercolour pencil set of hers, and she said I could have them.

First I decided to make a colour chart (I'll throw in a pic of below), but then I wanted to draw/paint something bright so then I thought, 'Oh why don’t I do a parrot?’ And Polly was the result. Then the next evening I did Roxy with some Sharpie pens I got a few weeks ago. I’ll let you decide which one is best.



So there you have it for today, hope you like them as much as I do,
Luv Amethyst <3xx

P.s   I only did half of the colour chart because it is to big to fit in my scanner :-(

Thursday 26 February 2015

My Manga Challenge

Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't been blogging for a while. I've been taking a break from manga, but now I'm back and I have got a few picture's to upload over the next few weeks. 

The other day I couldn't decide what to draw, so I asked my dad to choose a tutorial from my copy of Mastering Manga by Mark Crilley and he chose this one.

So I thought ok I'll give it a go ........

                           ...and this what came out.

For this picture I used a simple HB pencil to start with, then a Zebra ball-point pen for the outline and Letraset Promarker's to colour. Let me know what you think of my picture.


Amethyst xxx


                      I haven' t put any thing up for a while, sorry ) ; but here is couple of pictures of some                             books I got for my birthday....

                         ....and also a pencil
                   the books are Mastering Manga with Mark Crilley 1&2
                   and the pencil is a Prisma colour pc935 a favourite of marks
                   for inking in his drawings
                     Well that's about it but if you want buy any of this stuff I have put in a link below
                                                                   enjoy x